23+ Turquoise Blue Color. The hexadecimal rgb code of turquoise blue color is #00ffef and the decimal is rgb(0,255,239). Get sample codes, similar colors and more in this page.
Positioned between blue and green in the color wheel, turquoise is a mixture of pale blue and green or blue. Swimming pool with turquoise blue tiles can be used us background. The word turquoise comes from the french for turkish, as the gem was originally imported from turkey.
The word turquoise comes from the french for turkish, as the gem was originally imported from turkey.
23+ Turquoise Blue Color. Get some color inspiration with color hunt's turquoise palettes collection and find the perfect scheme for your design or art project. Turquoise is not light blue, it is for being such a vibrant, standout color, turquoise is amazingly versatile and comes in a nearly infinite. Html / css color name. The hexadecimal rgb code of turquoise blue color is #00ffef and the decimal is rgb(0,255,239).
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