22+ Baby Blue Color. The color baby blue with hexadecimal color code #89cff0 is a medium light shade of cyan. These colors will serve to highlight the baby blue color by allowing it to be the more prominent color while in the process, the neutrals will serve as the compliment.
The hexadecimal rgb code of baby blue color is #89cff0. Whereas in a cmyk color space, it is composed of 42.9% cyan, 13.8% magenta. Baby blue is a pale tint of azure.
Baby blue color palettes with color ideas for decoration your house, wedding, hair or even nails.
22+ Baby Blue Color. The first recorded use of baby blue as a color name in english was in 1892. The first recorded use of baby blue as a color name in english was in 1892. Modern rainbow timeline with transparent milestones in pastel colors on blurred background. See more ideas about baby blue colour, baby blue, blue color.
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