21+ Antique Brass Color. Html, css or hex color code for antique brass is #cd9575. This colour was introduced by crayola in their crayon packs.
In the rgb color model #cd9575 is comprised of 80.39% red, 58.43% green and 45.88% blue. This colour was introduced by crayola in their crayon packs. Discover over 1668 of our best selection of 1 on.
In the rgb color model #cd9575 is comprised of 80.39% red, 58.43% green and 45.88% blue.
21+ Antique Brass Color. New brass is a shiny golden color, but over time it darkens and takes on a green, brown, or reddish to antique bronze, purchase a bronze ager and follow the using antiquing solution method. Click on the boxes at the left side to update the url with the hex color in the address bar or the link icon to go directly to the. Colors included in this palette similar to akaroa, antique brass, brown, claret red, copper, dark khaki, dark khaki and peru, dark khaki and sienna, gray, light gray, light gray and dark khaki Stunning antique brass color light weight & sheen satin.
23+ Free Color Pages To Print. Make your world more colorful with printable coloring pages from crayola. Get crafts, coloring pages, lessons, and more!...
21+ Printable Pictures Of Birds. Download birds flashcards here >>>. Print out this free printable bird book and record all your backyard and neighborhood...